One day in 2006, I happened to be in Daniel Smith Artist Supply store to buy some pastels, thinking them to be my preferred art medium. A sales girl invited me to attend a “hands on “demo – watercolor on yupo, just about to start. I remained for the Demo and had an unforgettable experience. On several tables were pieces of yupo, sets of watercolor, water and brushes and after some explanation we were all invited to paint.
What is yupo? It is a sheet of white flexible plastic, on which watercolors dry in vivid colors because they are not absorbed by the support. The colors can be washed away under running water and process restarted. Not painting since my college time, almost five decades ago, made me very emotional. My heart started pounding, my whole body was excited, seeing the miracle colors flowing and mingling on the surface of yupo. It is hard to describe how deeply I reacted at the look of color and what happened to them on the surface of yupo. I was totally mesmerized. Before leaving Daniel Smith store I bought some watercolor and yupo forgetting about my pastels. In the evening, sitting on the side of my bed, with a piece of yupo on my lap, still feeling strongly my early emotion, I quickly painted my second watercolor, a small landscape from memory, recalling the hills of Breaza in Romania. Seeing these two watercolors now, fifteen years later, make me remember those unforgettable magic moments of excitement and happiness looking at the colors on yupo. The pastels I bought, I still have them untouched.
Starting painting with watercolor on yupo made me easily to adapt to it’s specific demands, while people who are used to watercolor on paper find it difficult. I approach yupo using two basic methods: mixing wet colors on its surface and let them dry mostly untouched, to preserve their fluid aspect or using a wet brush to rearrange dried watercolor applied earlier. I love painting on yupo.
Luci draga,
Am fost f.impresionata de tot: de calitatea noului site, de ultimele lucrari, de evolutia continua, de vointa de artist, de dirzenia de care dai mereu dovada, ramai un exemplu pentru noi toti.
Stim de mult despre disciplina ta de viata, dar acum ne-ai coplesit cu prezenta si cu placerea care ti-o da acest Jazzexercize, aproape ca face parte din viata ta asa cum pictura este acum viata ta.
Toate acesstea ne-au miscat deosebit.
Mi-ar fi placut sa scriu deosebit asa cum tu esti deosebita. Familia noastra te-a admirat intodeauna inainte de a-ti cunoaste talentul artistic, pentru caracterul si generozitatea sufletului tau rar intilnit in lumea nostra, cea de azi. Te-ai detasat de toata gloata, chiar si de cei considerati buni! Tu esti o fiinta cu totul speciala si de aceea nu numai ca te iubim dar te si respectam la infinit.
BRAVO lui Razvan ca ti-a creat un site atit de performant.
Iti doresc mult, mult succes in continuare si multa sanatate.
Love, Sandra