Landscape, 1958

Landscape, 1958

The complexity of Chinese landscapes and the unique way it is perceived by locals is reflected in paintings which surprise the viewer, catching the mystery and poetry of rocks, water, mountains, trees, vegetation, fog and clouds.

Landscape, 1958

Landscape, 1958

Seen from far away and from above, like from a drone, Chinese painted landscapes impresses the viewer, by its scale, composition and minute attention to details.

In some official, protocol building in Beijing, Chinese landscape painting, extended to the size of an entire huge wall is breath taking.

One famous old landscape painter we visited in his studio, demonstrated to us his skills, of bringing together in one powerful expression his observation and his ability to reveal it by using his admirable technique he acquired in years of practicing.

Landscape, 1958

Landscape, 1958

Every brush stroke was of necessity and each breath transferred needed energy to bring it alive.

Outside, he always carried with him tiny, match box size pieces of paper to draw details of interest, I was impressed how well organized was his studio, his painting table, his brushes.

A lot to learn and remember.